

For those of you who might not know Pavlov, he was a scientist who did an experiment with a bell, a dog and food to create a pattern.  He started his experiment by ringing a bell in front of a dog and then fed the dog.  After a short time, he noticed that the dog would salivate when they heard the bell, in anticipation of being fed, this created a pattern.

In a later experiment, he rang the bell but did not feed the dog.  Soon, the dog stopped salivating at the sound of the bell because they knew they were not going to be fed, this was called extinction.

We do something similar in creating patterns in our lives.  We are taught a certain way to act or be by how we are raised and taught by others.  Some of these things are useful and will serve us through our lives.  Some however are negative and detrimental to our growth and mental, as well as physical. well-being.

We may think that because the original input was so long ago, that the pattern would extinguish itself, but what we don’t realize is that when similar things happen in our lives that remind us of the original input, we reinforce the pattern.

It is only by doing something to combat the negative pattern, are we able to make different decisions and thereby take more control of the things in our lives that we don’t like.  Patterns that work for us are never discussed because there are no negative emotions associated with it.  Negative emotions are simply ones that stuck in our bodies and need to be dealt with.

With techniques like NET and OEFT, we can eliminate the negative emotions that drive the patterns interfere with our happiness.  Positive new pattens are just a result of not having the negative patterns anymore.

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Molecules of Emotion

In her book, “Molecules of Emotion”, Candace Pert, Ph.D., discusses the fact that emotions are actually physical substances that adhere to receptor cells in the organs.  

By establishing the bio-molecular basis for our emotions and explaining these new scientific developments in  a clear and accessible way, Pert empowers us to understand ourselves, our feeling, and the connection between our minds and bodies (body-minds) in ways we could never possibly have imagined before.

Since the molecules of emotion that are embedded tend to be of the type that we would consider negative, by releasing these emotions from the organs, it means that the way we live our lives can change.  Instead of being caught in the pattern created by those embedded emotions, when faced with a similar situation, we can now make a different choice, if we want.  We are still in control of who we are.

What does that mean to us? The fact the emotions are substances that are attached to organs, when we use different processes like Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) and Optimal Emotional Freedom Technique (OEFT), the attachments can be broken and those patterns can be interfered with.

One example cited by the NET protocol is that anger and resentment are associated with the liver and gall bladder.  If over the years, you tend to get angry frequently, you are probably damaging the liver and gall bladder and they also feed back the pattern when you are faced with a situation where you have to make a decision and the fall back position for you is anger.  You might just be living the pattern over and over again and not really choosing the best or healthiest course of action.

There is no intent to eliminate emotions from your life, only to allow them to move on when no longer needed.

Difficulty Visualizing?

Do you have Difficulty Visualizing? If you work with affirmations or set goals and have a difficult time manifesting either one, it may be because you are actually manifesting the negative thoughts you have about the affirmation or the goal.

I refer to them as “Yea, buts”.  These are the subconscious thoughts that are a result of the negative emotions that are trapped in your body (see the article on Candice Pert, Ph.D., and her research on “Molecules of Emotion”).

How to help with Difficulty Visualizing. There is a simple test to find out if you have thoughts that work against you.  Simply write down you affirmation or goal and write down the first thought you have after that.  You can do this a few times to get used to the process.  If you have only positive thoughts, you are on you way.  If on the other hand, you have negative thoughts, you are really giving them power every time you say the affirmation or think of the goal.  

The good news is there is something that you can do about it.  Make an appointment for a counseling session where we can address the negative.  This may result in you manifesting what you have your sights set on or you may find that you will set off in another direction.  Either way, the end results achieve Peace.  

Visualizations and Affirmations

What about Visualizations and Affirmations?

Napoleon Hill stated, “anything the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve


The expression, what we focus on expands, is applicable here. There are many books on visualization (The Secret, The Science of Getting Rich, etc) and many speakers who extol the virtues of visualizing what you want. These techniques work but it seems, not for everyone. If you have utilized these techniques and they have not been successful, it is probably because your belief system is telling you the opposite, of you think you are visualizing, without you knowing it (go to the action step and do that process). When, with NET, we muscle test a statement, what we are asking is whether the conscious mind (what you think), is congruent with the unconscious mind (what you believe). Is the test is positive, there is nothing to work on. If the test is negative, then we must get the conscious and the unconscious to work together. Think of trying to plow a field with two horses that are not harnessed together. Each will go their own separate way and you will get a furrow, but it won’t be straight or productive. You may get a result, but it probably won’t be the one you want.


The same applies to affirmations. If you use affirmations and are still not creating what you affirm, then each time you use the affirmation, you are really focusing on the negative beliefs behind the affirmation and expanding that energy instead of the positive you seek. Now I don’t say that using an affirmation is bad, if it works for you, then obviously it is good, but if you are not neutralizing the negative, you won’t get what you want, or at least not as quickly as you would like. By neutralizing the negative beliefs, I feel, that you won’t even have to affirm what you want in order to create it, you just have to keep working on neutralizing the negative beliefs.