
For those of you who might not know Pavlov, he was a scientist who did an experiment with a bell, a dog and food to create a pattern.  He started his experiment by ringing a bell in front of a dog and then fed the dog.  After a short time, he noticed that the dog would salivate when they heard the bell, in anticipation of being fed, this created a pattern.

In a later experiment, he rang the bell but did not feed the dog.  Soon, the dog stopped salivating at the sound of the bell because they knew they were not going to be fed, this was called extinction.

We do something similar in creating patterns in our lives.  We are taught a certain way to act or be by how we are raised and taught by others.  Some of these things are useful and will serve us through our lives.  Some however are negative and detrimental to our growth and mental, as well as physical. well-being.

We may think that because the original input was so long ago, that the pattern would extinguish itself, but what we don’t realize is that when similar things happen in our lives that remind us of the original input, we reinforce the pattern.

It is only by doing something to combat the negative pattern, are we able to make different decisions and thereby take more control of the things in our lives that we don’t like.  Patterns that work for us are never discussed because there are no negative emotions associated with it.  Negative emotions are simply ones that stuck in our bodies and need to be dealt with.

With techniques like NET and OEFT, we can eliminate the negative emotions that drive the patterns interfere with our happiness.  Positive new pattens are just a result of not having the negative patterns anymore.

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