NET Vital Points

Dr. Walker has established NET Vital Points as powerful points on the body to check when trying to help any kind of mind – or body-related problem.

The NET Vital Points

Established by Dr. Walker

Introduction to…

The NET Vital Points

It is helpful to understand that everything is life has an emotional component to it.  These component emotions can be positive or negative, depending on how we experienced life.  NET does not deal with the positive emotional components because they are allowing you to move forward in your life, but rather deals with the negative emotional components because this is what keeps you from being happy.  Emotions are physiologically based.  Emotions are minute proteins the body called Information Substances (IS).  The IS are comprised of neuropeptides, hormones and other specialized information molecules that permeate our entire body, including our DNA. This dynamic has been scientifically validated by Pert,

Dr. Walker has established the following NET Vital Points to be the most powerful points on the body to check when trying to help any kind of mind – or body-related problem.  They can target and cause problems anywhere in the body!

  • 1) Brain Point
    Possible associated symptoms include low energy, problems sleeping, trouble concentrating, etc.
  • 2) Vitamin B Point
    Possible associated symptoms include chronic fatigue blood sugar problems, interrupted sleep, etc.
  • 3) Secondary Metabolism Point
    Possible associated symptoms include sensitivities linked to metabolism, headaches, depression, etc.
  • 4) Allergy Point
    Possible associated symptoms include irritableness, crying, headaches, etc. – can be a factor with memory conditions.
  • 5) Hydrochloric Acid Point
    Possible associated symptoms include stomach discomfort, gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, etc.
  • 6) Hypo-adrenal Point
    Possible associated symptoms include stress related exhaustion, blood sugar problems, extreme fatigue, etc.
  • 7) Ileocecal Valve Point
    Possible associated symptoms include any gut, body pain, depression, etc. – can be a factor with many conditions.
  • 8) Category I Point
    Possible associated symptoms include any kind of body twisting, TMJ problems, chronic shoulder/knee/hip problems, etc.