Habit Change


Depression, can it  can be passed on genetically? Blair Justus, Ph.D., stated in his book, “Who Gets Sick” (How Beliefs, Moods and Thought Affect Your Health), that depression can be passed on genetically.  Now, many people would automatically conclude that there is no way to deal with depression, other than medication.  While this may be true in some cases, there may be a different solution.  As always the debate of “nature” versus “nurture” comes into question.

Lynn  McTaggart, in her book, “The Bond”, cites examples of scientists affecting the genetic makeup of experimental animals.  She references the research done by Jirtle and Waterland’s mouse study that showed changes in genes passed on to their offspring.  They state, “Genes can no longer be considered the only driving force of nature if an outside influence can completely derail the programming”, pg 35.

In his book, “The Psychic Roots Of Disease” (psychic here meaning “of the mind”), Bjorn Eybl, explains that depression is linked to thoughts of what we want as opposed to what we have, to the degree that we feel imbalanced and many times, stuck.  

It is sometimes difficult to see that we have control over our lives, especially if we are going though a period of depression.  If we simply want our lives to be different of some level, it wouldn’t be a problem if we worked for the change.  The problem exists in the beliefs we have as to whether or not we can achieve the transformation and at times, what do we need to do and how do we do it.

Working together to discover when and why you get depressed allows us to eliminate those negative emotions that are stuck in our bodies.  Those emotions may be about ourselves, others or situations in our lives. Through processes using NET and OEFT, we can eliminate these stuck emotions and lessen or eliminate those depressive thoughts.


For those of you who might not know Pavlov, he was a scientist who did an experiment with a bell, a dog and food to create a pattern.  He started his experiment by ringing a bell in front of a dog and then fed the dog.  After a short time, he noticed that the dog would salivate when they heard the bell, in anticipation of being fed, this created a pattern.

In a later experiment, he rang the bell but did not feed the dog.  Soon, the dog stopped salivating at the sound of the bell because they knew they were not going to be fed, this was called extinction.

We do something similar in creating patterns in our lives.  We are taught a certain way to act or be by how we are raised and taught by others.  Some of these things are useful and will serve us through our lives.  Some however are negative and detrimental to our growth and mental, as well as physical. well-being.

We may think that because the original input was so long ago, that the pattern would extinguish itself, but what we don’t realize is that when similar things happen in our lives that remind us of the original input, we reinforce the pattern.

It is only by doing something to combat the negative pattern, are we able to make different decisions and thereby take more control of the things in our lives that we don’t like.  Patterns that work for us are never discussed because there are no negative emotions associated with it.  Negative emotions are simply ones that stuck in our bodies and need to be dealt with.

With techniques like NET and OEFT, we can eliminate the negative emotions that drive the patterns interfere with our happiness.  Positive new pattens are just a result of not having the negative patterns anymore.

Appointments can be made at wayneda.com.  

Molecules of Emotion

In her book, “Molecules of Emotion”, Candace Pert, Ph.D., discusses the fact that emotions are actually physical substances that adhere to receptor cells in the organs.  

By establishing the bio-molecular basis for our emotions and explaining these new scientific developments in  a clear and accessible way, Pert empowers us to understand ourselves, our feeling, and the connection between our minds and bodies (body-minds) in ways we could never possibly have imagined before.

Since the molecules of emotion that are embedded tend to be of the type that we would consider negative, by releasing these emotions from the organs, it means that the way we live our lives can change.  Instead of being caught in the pattern created by those embedded emotions, when faced with a similar situation, we can now make a different choice, if we want.  We are still in control of who we are.

What does that mean to us? The fact the emotions are substances that are attached to organs, when we use different processes like Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) and Optimal Emotional Freedom Technique (OEFT), the attachments can be broken and those patterns can be interfered with.

One example cited by the NET protocol is that anger and resentment are associated with the liver and gall bladder.  If over the years, you tend to get angry frequently, you are probably damaging the liver and gall bladder and they also feed back the pattern when you are faced with a situation where you have to make a decision and the fall back position for you is anger.  You might just be living the pattern over and over again and not really choosing the best or healthiest course of action.

There is no intent to eliminate emotions from your life, only to allow them to move on when no longer needed.

Happiness is like the Sun

Happiness is like the Sun: Coloradans like to boasts that there are 360 days of sunshine, when in truth the sun shines everyday, even if we don’t see it.

Think of happiness as the sun. Happiness, like the sun, is always there, but because of the decisions we make about ourselves, life and the world, we develop beliefs that interfere with our happiness because that is what we focus on and it makes true the saying, what you focus on expands. Most times, these beliefs create patterns and they are usually developed when we are young and influenced by others. (HARVARD STUDY). Happiness is not a result of wealth, or health, or a great relationship, etc, rather all these things come when you are happy, or at least happier than you are now.

Napoleon Hill stated,anything the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve

To further the analogy of clouds (negative patterns), I’ll refer to a song written by Joni Mitchell that she titled “Both Sides Now”. She starts off seeing clouds as wonderful but then writes, “Now they only block the sun, they rain and snow on everyone. so many things I would have done, but clouds got in my way.”

This is called LIFE. It is neither good nor bad, right nor wrong but rather does it work for you or not. If these patterns no longer work for you, it is time to neutralize them by dealing with the thoughts behind them.

The brain was once thought of as being stagnant. Whatever was programmed at an early age, would always remain. On the contrary, research has proven the neuroplasticity of the brain, its ability to create new pathways of thinking as well as shut down some older ones (fMRl).

This corresponds with the work of Candace B. Pert, Ph.D. In her search for opioid receptors in the body, she discovered that emotions are actual physical substances (ligands) that attach to different places on different cells of different organs. A ligand is a term for any natural or manmade substance that binds selectively to it’s own specific receptor on the surface of a cell.

Apparently what happens when we use the techniques of Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), the emotional ligands are no longer able to attach to the organs (in that particular circumstance) and the neuroplasticity of the brain takes over and deletes, or at least reduces the effect of the pattern. Our emotions create our beliefs, which in turn create our patterns. Creating neutrality about the situation allows the body to process the issue/trauma.

Quantum Physics explains that the observer (you) of a situation, has an effect on the outcome on the situation. In his book, “The Dancing Wu Li Masters”, Gary Zukav explains it this way. “Reality is what we take to be true. What we take to be true is what we believe. What we believe is based on our perceptions. What we perceive depends on what we look for. What we look for depends upon what we perceive. What we perceive determines what we believe. What we believe determines what we take to be true. What we take to be true is our reality.”

If you want to know what you believe, look at your life, it is a manifestation of what you believe. If your life looks like a glass half-empty you may want to neutralize those beliefs that get it your way.

Life Choices

Your Life Choices: There is much written about making choices in your life. Making choices that forward your movement in life may be more difficult if you keep repeating the same negative patterns. Have you ever know someone who has declared that all the people they go out with are the same. A few things may be happening. They may not, because of their patterns, be able to see anything other that the same issue in each relationship. Or, they may be attracting the same type of person because they believe at that is all there is out there. There may be other reasons, but these can be used as example.

Patterns that we develop, usually at a early age, are really attributes we see exemplified around us but the people who impact our lives the most. Parents, family, teachers, friends, etc. are the examples we tend to follow as we grow. Parents are usually the first to impact our lives (see Harvard Study), but as we age, depending on our personalities, we tend to mimic others so that we fit in. This helps to create our patterns and we follow them without thinking as we grow older. If we are fortunate, the patterns move us forward in the direction we want our live to go, if not, then we have to recognize the patterns that are getting in our way and deal with them in some manner. Or risk living our lives the same way, year after year.

If, like some people, you are not completely sure of pattern is getting in your way, we can use NET VITAL POINTS to start the initial process of determining what is in your way.